Taipei GTUG: [Android] Place Directory(本地通)應用程式開發經驗分享

[English description below]

你有在 Android 手機上使用過 Place Directory (本地通)這個應用程式嗎?這次我們很高興能邀請到台灣 Google 的工程師--Andy Cheng 來為大家介紹這個應用程式的開發經驗,並且說明這是如何從一個利用 20% 自由時間研發出來的成果,成為一個團隊專案。
Development of Place Directory
Andy Cheng 目前在 Google 工作已進入第四年,在加入 Google 前就是一位 Google 的超級粉絲。在他剛加入 Google 時,負責的是 Google Maps for Taiwan 的專案,並帶領團隊研發香港、東南亞的 Google Maps。目前他負責 Android 相關的開發工作,如 Android Market 的發佈者網站等。

  • How was it initiated?
  • What is our philosophy? 
  • What users say about it? 
  • What problems we encountered and how did we solve it

2010/06/09(三)19:30 @ 果子咖啡
  1. 每個人的基本費用是 NTD$ 150,會附有兩杯飲料,若需增加用餐者則費用為 NTD$ 250。請於報到時繳交
  2. 因為場地因素,我們將開放有報名的朋友優先入座,19:25尚未抵達活動場地者,視同自動放棄並開放候補
  3. 場地有免費無線網路,別忘了可以帶電腦來參加;有名片也可以準備一下來交朋友。

We are glad to invite a Google software engineer, Andy Cheng, to have a talk about the Place Directory app on Android. He will share his experiences on the development processes on this application.

Speech Title
Development of Place Directory
About the Speaker:
This is the fourth year since Andy joined Google as a software engineer. Before joining Google, he was already a big Google fan, and was passionated in launching Google Maps for Taiwan.So when he first joined, he started working on Google Maps Taiwan, and led the team to launch Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South East Asia maps. Then he worked on Android application, Places directory, and launched write comments and favorite sync.
  • How was it initiated?
  • What is our philosophy? 
  • What users say about it? 
  • What problems we encountered and how did we solve it
When and Where
Wed, Jun. 9, 2010  19:30  @ GozCafe
50 people.
  1. To join this talk, you have to pay NTD$ 150 to GozCafe. They will prepare 2 drinks and a snack for you. In addition to this, if you want to have a dinner, please pay NTD$ 250 to GozCafe.
  2. Due to the space of GozCafe, we restrict the number of participants of this talk. If you don't arrive at GozCafe before 19:25, we will start let the people who didn't register in.
  3. There's WIFI service in GozCafe. Plz don't forget to bring your laptop. Moreover, bring your name cards too (if necessary).
果子咖啡 /

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

~ 2010/06/09 21:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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